As the temperatures drop this fall,
warm up with your favorite cup coffee
For the month of October, colour experts have chosen Coffee Bean as the Colour of the Month. This dark roast possesses hints of chocolate, undertones of cinnamon, and just a touch of molasses. It’s a shade that can turn any room in your house into a warm and welcoming environment for friends and family near and far.
There are many reasons why browns work well in the home, here are just some. First, browns bring to mind feelings of warmth, comfort, and security. Second, they’re often described as natural, down-to-earth, and conventional, however, browns can also be characterized as sophisticated. Furthermore, psychologists believe the colour brown can affect the mind and body by creating feelings of wholesomeness, stability, and peace; all of which are feelings that are desired in the home.
The possibilities are endless with this rich brown tone and you will be able to create a room that’s all your own. Use accent colours like Bronze Coral and Shabby Chic with Coffee Bean to fully harmonize any room in your house.
Warm up the chilliest of evenings this fall with Coffee Bean.