SAVE on SHUTTERS until December 8th.

From traditional window coverings to closet and patio doors, adding Shutters to any room adds a touch of class and enhances the custom look of your home.
Louvers can be adjusted from a clear, open view to total privacy, while still allowing air to flow freely.
Divider rail runs through the center of some shutters, depending on size. The top and bottom louvers operate independently of each other allowing for the top to be open and the bottom closed.
Won't be damaged by the sun since they're UV resistant, and can't be damaged by water or steam in high moisture areas.
Virtually Indestructible. Will not warp, crack, peel or fade and never needs painting.
Energy Efficient. Cellular design provides the best insulation barrier. Eliminates solar heat gain during the summer months and provides excellent insulation during winter months.
Ideal in commercial settings, as well as in any corporate environment. GREENGUARD® certified, non-porous, and anti-microbial. Perfect solution for healthcare and educational facilities.